Sundays 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

“We are a mission-sending base, called to build up and send out Spirit-filled agents for local and global transformation.”
Cross Assembly Church is a cross-centered, Assemblies of God Church that amplifies the importance of holy living, Christian service, and personal salvation. We uphold the necessity of biblical teaching and understanding and emphasize the application of those teachings in our daily lives. We are a missions-minded congregation that pours our giving and gifts into the service of both local and global communities. Our church is known for its unwavering devotion to biblical truth, family-oriented structure, and exciting worship experience. Our dozens of ministries and partners stretch far and wide to unreached people groups and communities in need.
Meet Pastor Chad Harvey

Pastor Chad Harvey is the Teaching Pastor at Cross Assembly Church in Raleigh, N.C. Each Sunday, Pastor Chad offers “Truth Unfiltered,” leading to a deeper understanding of the Bible by putting the Scriptures in context and emphasizing how God’s Word applies to our daily lives.